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A glass cup filled with dark amber Da Hong Pao Oolong tea placed on a wooden coaster, with loose tea leaves in a white bowl and a teapot in the background, all set on a bamboo mat.

The Art and Craft of Da Hong Pao: Discovering the Best Oolong Tea

Written by: Camille Liu



Time to read 11 min


When it comes to Oolong tea, few names resonate as profoundly as Da Hong Pao. Revered as the best Oolong tea, this exquisite variety hails from the rugged cliffs of the Wuyi Mountains in China's Fujian province. Celebrated not only for its distinctive flavor but also for its intricate production process, Da Hong Pao offers a unique experience that embodies centuries-old craftsmanship and dedication. Join us as we explore the journey from fresh tea leaf to the aromatic cup of the best Oolong tea in the world.

The Origins of Da Hong Pao

Da Hong Pao, often translated as "Big Red Robe," has a storied history intertwined with Chinese tea culture. The Wuyi Mountains, with their unique terroir, provide the perfect environment for cultivating high-quality tea leaves. The rocky terrain imparts a characteristic "rock charm" (岩韵) to the tea, a mineral-rich flavor highly prized among tea connoisseurs.

The history of Da Hong Pao dates back to the Ming Dynasty, with legends suggesting that the tea's name originated from a story involving a Ming emperor. According to the tale, the emperor's mother was cured of an illness by drinking Da Hong Pao, prompting the emperor to honor the tea bushes with red robes. This legend underscores the cultural significance and esteemed status of Da Hong Pao within Chinese society.

Traditional Craftsmanship of Da Hong Pao

1. Picking: The First Step in Perfection

The meticulous process of crafting Da Hong Pao begins in the spring. Skilled tea pickers harvest the tea leaves with precision, selecting one bud with three or four leaves, known as "tea green." 

This careful selection ensures that only the highest quality Da Hong Pao leaves make it to the next stage. 

The picking process is crucial because the quality of the leaves directly affects the final Da Hong Pao product's flavor and aroma.

A Da Hong Pao tea picker in a checkered shirt harvesting fresh tea leaves into a woven basket, amidst lush tea plants in a tea plantation.

2. Withering: Sun and Air Combine

The freshly picked Da Hong Pao tea leaves undergo a two-stage withering process. Initially, the Da Hong Pao leaves are spread out on sun-drying racks, allowing them to absorb sunlight. This is followed by air-drying indoors on special drying racks. This combination of sun and air helps reduce the leaves' moisture content and begins developing their flavor and aroma.

Withering is a delicate process that requires careful monitoring. The Da Hong Pao leaves must be handled gently to avoid bruising, and the drying environment must be controlled to prevent mold and ensure even drying. The goal is to reduce the leaves' water content while preserving their natural enzymes, which will later contribute to the tea's complex flavor profile.

Two workers in traditional attire sorting and drying fresh tea leaves on large round bamboo trays spread out in an open area, showcasing the tea drying process.

"Among the many treasures of the Chinese tea repertoire, Da Hong Pao stands unparalleled, a testament to the artistry and devotion embedded in each leaf."

Robert Fortune, a Scottish botanist and traveler known for his tea explorations in China

3. Making the Tea: Shaping the Unique Flavor

The key to Da Hong Pao's unique flavor lies in the next stage—making the tea. This involves shaking and hand-rolling the leaves. During the shaking process, the leaves are rolled in a spiral motion within a sieve, causing the edges to collide and rub against each other. This friction helps develop the Da Hong Pao tea's characteristic color, aroma, and taste.

The hand-rolling process is labor-intensive and requires skilled artisans to achieve the desired result. The Da Hong Pao leaves are rolled repeatedly to create a tight, twisted shape that allows for even oxidation and roasting. This step is critical in developing the Da Hong Pao tea's complex flavor profile, balancing floral, fruity, and earthy notes with a hint of minerality.

A worker in a striped shirt hand-processing fresh tea leaves on a bamboo tray, demonstrating the crucial stage of shaping the unique flavor of Da Hong Pao Oolong Tea.

4. Pan-Frying and Rolling: Locking in the Goodness

Once the initial flavors are formed, the Da Hong Pao leaves are pan-fried at temperatures ranging between 230-260°C. This high-temperature frying softens the leaves, making them pliable like cotton. The leaves are then rolled to release the leaf juices and shaped into strips, enhancing their fragrance and preparing them for the next steps.

The pan-frying process, known as "kill-green," halts the oxidation process and locks in the Da Hong Pao leaves' natural flavors. The high heat also removes any residual moisture, preventing the growth of mold and bacteria. This step is essential for preserving the Da Hong Pao tea's freshness and ensuring a long shelf life.

Close-up of hands meticulously pan-frying and rolling fresh tea leaves, an essential process for locking in the goodness and flavor of Da Hong Pao Oolong Tea.
Freshly picked tea leaves in large woven baskets placed in a lush tea plantation with mountains in the background, capturing the essence of the tea harvesting process.

5. First Roasting: Developing the Aroma

The rolled Da Hong Pao leaves are spread evenly on a roasting basket and roasted for 10-12 minutes. This process is repeated several times, turning the leaves to ensure even roasting. This initial roasting stage is crucial for developing the rich, complex aroma that Da Hong Pao is known for.

The roasting process imparts a warm, toasty flavor to the Da Hong Pao tea, enhancing its natural sweetness and adding depth to the overall flavor profile. The Da Hong Pao leaves are carefully monitored throughout the roasting process to ensure they do not burn, as this would negatively affect the taste.

A tea of such rarity and excellence that it deserves the reverence of an emperor.

Qianlong Emperor, one of the most influential emperors in Chinese history

6. Winnowing, Cooling, and Sorting: Refining the Tea

After the first roasting, the Da Hong Pao tea leaves undergo winnowing to remove any yellow leaves and fragments. The leaves are then cooled, which changes their color, and sorted to remove any stems and other impurities. These steps ensure that only the best leaves proceed to the final stages.

Winnowing is performed using traditional methods, such as hand-sorting and air-sifting, to ensure the highest quality. The Da Hong Pao leaves are spread out on large bamboo trays and gently shaken to separate the lighter, inferior leaves from the heavier, high-quality ones.

A worker using a bamboo tray to winnow, cool, and sort Da Hong Pao tea leaves, refining them to ensure only the highest quality leaves are selected.

The first and second flush of the Da Hong Pao, the most powerful and sweetest crops, sell on the private market as the most expensive tea per pound in the world. At several thousands of dollars per ounce, Da Hong Pao is many times more valuable than gold.

Sarah Rose, author of "For All the Tea in China"

7. Re-Roasting and Final Processing

The leaves are roasted again to further enhance their aroma and flavor. This stage involves re-winnowing and meticulous sorting to ensure the tea meets the highest standards. The final roasting, often called "补火" or "fire finishing," locks in the aroma and adds the finishing touches to the tea's flavor profile.

The re-roasting process is repeated several times, with the leaves being allowed to rest and cool between each roasting. This gradual, multi-stage roasting process helps to develop the tea's complex flavor profile and ensures a smooth, well-balanced taste.

A worker wearing gloves and a red shirt performing the re-roasting and final processing of Da Hong Pao tea leaves in a large bamboo basket, ensuring the highest quality and flavor.

Official Recognition and Protection

The intricate production process of Da Hong Pao is not only a testament to the skill and dedication of the tea masters but also a part of China’s cultural heritage. On May 20, 2006, the crafting technique of Wuyi Rock Tea (Da Hong Pao) was listed in the first batch of National Intangible Cultural Heritage. This recognition underscores the importance of preserving these traditional techniques and ensuring that future generations can continue to enjoy this exceptional tea.

The inclusion of Da Hong Pao in the National Intangible Cultural Heritage list has helped to raise awareness of its unique production methods and cultural significance. It has also provided support for the continued practice of these traditional techniques, ensuring that the knowledge and skills required to produce Da Hong Pao are passed down to future generations.

Health Benefits of Da Hong Pao

Da Hong Pao Oolong Tea is not only revered for its unique flavor and aroma but also for its numerous health benefits. This traditional Chinese tea offers a range of advantages that contribute to overall well-being. Here are some key health benefits of Da Hong Pao:

Rich in Antioxidants: Da Hong Pao is abundant in polyphenols, particularly catechins and theaflavins, which are potent antioxidants. These compounds help neutralize free radicals in the body, reducing oxidative stress and lowering the risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease and cancer.

Supports Heart Health : Regular consumption of Da Hong Pao Oolong Tea can improve heart health by lowering LDL (bad) cholesterol levels and increasing HDL (good) cholesterol. The antioxidants in the tea help prevent the oxidation of LDL cholesterol, reducing the risk of atherosclerosis and cardiovascular diseases.

Aids in Weight Management : The caffeine and catechins in Da Hong Pao can boost metabolism and increase fat oxidation, making it a helpful addition to a weight management regimen. Drinking Oolong tea can also enhance the body's ability to burn fat during exercise.

Improves Digestive Health : Da Hong Pao Oolong Tea aids in digestion by stimulating the production of digestive enzymes. It can help alleviate digestive issues such as bloating and indigestion. Additionally, its anti-inflammatory properties can soothe the digestive tract and promote gut health.

Enhances Cognitive Function : The combination of caffeine and L-theanine in Da Hong Pao enhances cognitive function, improves focus, and reduces mental fatigue. L-theanine promotes relaxation without causing drowsiness, making it an excellent choice for mental alertness and stress reduction.

Anti-Inflammatory Properties : The polyphenols in Da Hong Pao have anti-inflammatory effects, which can help reduce inflammation throughout the body. This can be beneficial for individuals with inflammatory conditions such as arthritis.

Supports Oral Health : Da Hong Pao contains fluoride and other compounds that help maintain oral health. It can reduce the risk of dental cavities, strengthen tooth enamel, and inhibit the growth of harmful bacteria in the mouth.

Skin Health and Anti-Aging : The antioxidants in Da Hong Pao help protect the skin from damage caused by free radicals, potentially reducing signs of aging such as wrinkles and fine lines. The anti-inflammatory properties also contribute to healthier skin by reducing redness and irritation.

Regulates Blood Sugar Levels : Oolong tea, including Da Hong Pao, can help regulate blood sugar levels. Studies have shown that it can improve insulin sensitivity, making it beneficial for individuals with type 2 diabetes or those at risk of developing the condition.

Enjoying Da Hong Pao

When you sip a cup of Da Hong Pao Oolong Tea, you are not just enjoying a beverage; you are partaking in a centuries-old tradition of meticulous craftsmanship and profound respect for nature. The rich, complex flavors, ranging from the robust and earthy to the subtle floral and mineral notes, provide a sensory experience unlike any other.

Whether you are a seasoned tea connoisseur or a curious newcomer, Da Hong Pao offers a journey through the rich history and intricate art of Chinese tea making. Its organic cultivation and traditional processing methods ensure that each cup is not only a delight to the senses but also a testament to the enduring legacy of one of the world's most revered teas.

Explore More

To experience the exceptional quality of Da Hong Pao and other varieties of Oolong Tea, continue visiting our website.

The Selfie picture of Camille Liu

The Author: Camille Liu

Hello, I'm Camille, from a family with a rich tradition of tea cultivation in the Wuyi Mountain. Growing up immersed in tea culture, I've developed a deep passion for preserving and sharing our heritage.

Tea, to me, is more than a drink; it's a way to connect, promote wellness, and celebrate tradition. I aim to share this love for tea with everyone, whether you're an enthusiast or a newcomer.

Thank you for joining me on this tea journey.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What makes your Chinese loose leaf tea special?

Our loose leaf tea comes directly from tea field in Wuyi Mountain, China. Handpicked the full tea leave from the field and roast it on the spot.Wuyi Mountain tea leaves are ranked among the best-tasting teas not only in China but also worldwide because they benefit from the region's mineral-rich soil, unique microclimate, and traditional processing methods. These contribute to the tea's distinctive taste, known as "Yan Yun" or "rock rhyme," which refers to a smooth, rich texture and a complex, lingering aftertaste.We also packaged our loose leaf teas in individual organic tea bags so it is easier for our tea friends to brew and take on the go!

How should I store my tea to keep it fresh?

To keep your loose leaf tea fresh, store it in an airtight container away from light, heat, moisture, and strong odors. Keep it in a cool, dry place, like a pantry or cabinet. Avoid keeping it near the stove, in the refrigerator, or on a windowsill to prevent exposure to harmful conditions. This way, your tea will maintain its flavor and aroma for a longer time.

Can you help me to choose a tea?

Of course! We have a variety of tea leaves available and I would always encourage our tea friends to try a little bit of each categories to see which you like best.Our best sellers and the Wuyi Oolong Tea paints the picture of what traditional tea drinking it's like. When you take a small sip of the oolong (rock) tea, at first, you might taste a hint of bitterness. But hang on, you'll be pleasantly surprised to find that as it lingers in your mouth, that almost-there bitterness magically transforms into a gentle sweetness, spreading slowly and lingering long after.If you are just getting into tea and want something more tangy and sweet to start off? We got you! Go into our Fruity Tea section and look for Passionfruit, Mango, Peach, and Lychee flavored tea leaves. While maintaining the aroma and aftertaste of our Wuyi tea leaves, you get more rich and soothing flavor while drinking it.We are a small yet personalized store. To better fits the need of our friends, we are looking to create a sampler box in the near future so all of y'all can get a taste of all variety of our tea leaves. Stay tuned!

What is the return policy?

You may cancel your order within 24 hours of placing it. Please allow 3-5 business days for the refund to post to your original form of payment.Customers can return their purchase within 14 days of receipt if they are not completely satisfied.To be eligible for a return, the tea must be in its original packaging (unopened) and have manufacturer defects upon receiving the product according to FDA sanitary regulations. Please include a receipt or proof of purchase with your return. Once we receive and inspect the returned item, we will notify you of the status of your refund. Full refund will include any payment collected by Red Rock Tea House (order amount, shipping, tax.) Please note that we do not cover return shipping costs, which are the customer's responsibility.For health and safety reasons, we cannot accept returns on products damaged by misuse or improper care.If you find your package is damaged or there is an error in your order, please kindly email us at with the picture within 7 days of delivery. If you are dissatisfied with the product, please contact us at or connect with us through chat. We are happy to provide help!

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