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An ancient Chinese painting depicting Shen Nong, the legendary figure in Chinese mythology, known as the


Written by: Camille Liu



Time to read 4 min


Tea is an integral part of Chinese culture, with its origins steeped in ancient legend. The story of tea's discovery is often traced back to the era of Shen Nong, a mythical emperor and herbalist who lived over 2700 years ago. This fascinating legend highlights tea's beginnings and underscores its profound connection to Chinese history and tradition.

The Discovery of Tea

According to the legend, Shen Nong was a diligent ruler dedicated to the well-being of his people. He spent much of his time wandering through the mountains and forests, collecting herbs and experimenting with their medicinal properties. This rigorous practice involved tasting the herbs himself, a perilous task that often led him to ingest harmful plants.

One day, while foraging for new herbs, Shen Nong accidentally consumed a poisonous plant. The immediate effects were severe: his mouth felt dry and numb, and he was overcome with dizziness. 

An ancient Chinese painting depicting Shen Nong, the legendary figure in Chinese mythology, known as the "Divine Farmer." He is shown sitting at a table outdoors under a pine tree, surrounded by tea utensils, illustrating his association with the discovery of tea and his contributions to agriculture and herbal medicine.

Desperate for relief, he sat down beneath a large tree to rest. As he closed his eyes, a gentle breeze rustled the leaves above, and a few fragrant green leaves drifted down. Intrigued, Shen Nong picked up a couple of leaves and chewed them. To his amazement, the refreshing aroma and taste of the leaves quickly revitalized him, alleviating his symptoms and clearing his mind.

Curious about this miraculous plant, Shen Nong gathered more leaves and returned them to study. He noted the unique shape, veins, and edges of the leaves, distinguishing them from other trees. This remarkable discovery was later named "tea."

The Evolution of Tea in Chinese Culture

The tale of Shen Nong and tea spread throughout China, fostering various interpretations. One popular variation suggests that Shen Nong discovered tea while boiling water in the wild. As the legend goes, a few leaves from a nearby tree blew into his pot. The resulting brew was a light yellow color and, upon tasting, Shen Nong found it invigorating and thirst-quenching. Drawing on his extensive experience with herbs, he recognized tea's potential as a medicinal drink.

The first historical record that designates Shen Nong as the "father of tea" comes from the revered tea master Lu Yu in his seminal work, "The Classic of Tea" (茶经). 

An ancient Chinese painting depicting Shen Nong, the legendary "Divine Farmer," sitting at a table with other scholars and herbalists. They are engaged in a discussion or tea ceremony, highlighting Shen Nong

Lu Yu wrote, "Tea as a drink was first discovered by Shen Nong and later appreciated by Duke Zhou of Lu." This attribution to Shen Nong was further supported by ancient texts such as the "Shen Nong Ben Cao Jing" and the "Shen Nong Shi Jing," which elaborate on Shen Nong's discovery and document the enduring benefits of tea. These benefits include its remarkable ability to counteract various poisons, uplift the spirit, and promote overall health and well-being. The detailed accounts in these texts highlight Shen Nong's significant contribution to the history and culture of tea, emphasizing its profound impact on Chinese society throughout the ages.

Shen Nong: The Ancestral Father of Chinese Tea

Shen Nong's legendary discovery and his role in popularizing tea cement his status as the "Ancestral Father of Chinese Tea." His story has been passed down through generations, deeply embedding tea's cultural significance in Chinese society. The reverence for Shen Nong reflects the respect and appreciation for tea as more than just a beverage but as a symbol of health, wisdom, and cultural heritage.

In modern times, the story of Shen Nong continues to inspire tea enthusiasts and serves as a testament to the historical depth and cultural importance of tea in China. It is a reminder of the ancient roots of tea drinking and its journey from a medicinal herb to a global cultural phenomenon.

An ancient Chinese painting of Shen Nong, the mythical "Divine Farmer," seated at a table with various tea utensils and bowls. Shen Nong is depicted in traditional robes, engaged in a tea preparation ritual, highlighting his legendary role in the discovery of tea. The background features Chinese calligraphy, adding to the cultural and historical significance of the scene.

The Multifaceted Benefits of Tea

Beyond the legend, tea's reputation as a healthful beverage is well-documented. Ancient Chinese texts, such as the "Shen Nong Ben Cao Jing," extol the virtues of tea in treating various ailments. Tea was believed to clear heat, alleviate fatigue, improve vision, and even detoxify the body. These benefits contributed to tea's rapid integration into daily life and its eventual status as a staple beverage in Chinese households.

A close-up view of vibrant green tea leaves growing at the base of a steep cliff in the Wuyi Mountains. The cliff features an inscription in red Chinese characters, adding to the cultural and historical significance of the location where Da Hong Pao tea is cultivated. The background showcases the rugged and majestic terrain of the region.

As knowledge about tea spread, so did the intricate cultivation and processing techniques associated with it. Different regions in China, each with its distinct climate and soil conditions, developed their own unique methods and varieties of tea, resulting in a rich diversity of flavors, aromas, and styles. From the delicate and fragrant green teas of Zhejiang, which are known for their light, refreshing taste, to the robust and full-bodied black teas of Fujian, which offer a deeper, more intense flavor, each type of tea brought its own unique health benefits and sensory experiences. This regional diversity not only enriched the cultural tapestry of tea but also catered to a wide range of preferences and needs, making tea a versatile and cherished beverage throughout China and beyond.

The Cultural Significance of Tea

Tea's importance in Chinese culture extends beyond its medicinal properties. It became a central element in social rituals and practices, symbolizing respect, hospitality, and harmony. The art of tea preparation and consumption evolved into a refined cultural practice known as the tea ceremony, which emphasizes the aesthetic and sensory aspects of tea drinking.

A person carefully pouring hot tea from a traditional teapot into a teacup, with steam rising from the cup. The scene is set in a dimly lit room, creating a warm and serene atmosphere, highlighting the art and ritual of traditional Chinese tea preparation.

Tea ceremonies are meticulously choreographed events that highlight the beauty of tea leaves, the elegance of tea utensils, and the serene atmosphere of the tea room. Participants engage in a mindful appreciation of tea's flavors and aromas, fostering a deep connection with nature and a sense of tranquility.

Tea in the Modern World

Today, millions of people worldwide enjoy tea, transcending cultural boundaries and continuing to play a vital role in social interactions. Modern science has corroborated many of the health benefits ancient Chinese scholars attributed to tea. Studies have shown that tea contains antioxidants, anti-inflammatory compounds, and other beneficial substances that promote overall well-being.

A colorful, artistic map of the world featuring vibrant floral patterns, with a prominent cup of tea in the foreground. The illustration highlights the global influence and cultural significance of tea, showcasing its connection to different regions around the world.

The global popularity of tea has also led to the exploration of innovative tea products and blends, catering to diverse tastes and preferences. From traditional loose-leaf teas to convenient tea bags and ready-to-drink options, the world of tea continues to evolve while honoring its rich heritage.


As we enjoy our cups of tea today, we honor the legend of Shen Nong, whose mythical discovery continues to enrich our lives and traditions. The story of Shen Nong and tea serves as a reminder of the profound impact that a single discovery can have on human culture and well-being. It celebrates the enduring legacy of tea as a symbol of health, wisdom, and cultural heritage, and invites us to appreciate the timeless beauty of this beloved beverage.

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